Sharing Good Practices in the Project on Strengthening the Profile of Pancasila Students in 3T Madrasahs Through Teaching Assistance

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Nurmitasari Nurmitasari
Robia Astuti
Sumarno Sumarno
Nurmuthoharoh Nurmuthoharoh
Destri Anggita Felisa
Dwi Imam Saputra
Fathul Huda
Keywords: Sharing Good Practices; Teaching Assistance; Independent Curriculum; Pancasila Learner Profile

The literacy and numeracy abilities of MI and MTs Raudlatul Munawwarah Jatirejo students are still relatively low, according to AKM results. This PKM is focused on sharing best practices through teaching assistance activities with the aim of improving students' literacy and numeracy skills, teacher technology adaptation, and assistance with P5 outcomes. The approach is conducted through Service-Learning with 3 stages of PKM are: pre-implementation (site observation, needs analysis, preparation of teaching assistance activity guidelines, and providing orientation to students); implementation (lecturers and students collaborate in implementing programs related to literacy, numeracy, and technological adaptation as well as realizing the outcomes of Project Product of Pancasila Student Profile Development); and post-implementation, which involves continuous monitoring in collaboration with partners. The results achieved in this PKM activity are (1) the ability and skills of MI and MTs teachers in creating ICT-based learning media; and (2) the project product of Pancasila Student Profile Development. produced is Ecobrik; (3) MI and MTS students' literacy and numeracy skills increase.

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