Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Transformatif: Pendampingan Manajemen Bisnis pada Jamaah Musholla Putri Manbaul Falah Desa Manyarsidorukun Kecamatan Manyar Kabupaten Gresik

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Lilik Rahmawati
Ummiy Fauziyah Laili
Fatikul Himami
Keywords: business management, ABCD, woman independence

Business of fried-chip packaging run by musala's female worshipers is not well managed. This is caused by the lack of business management use. Besides, the technology used is very simple. Accordingly, the business volume and income have been decreasing. It implicates the worshipers' welfare. Economically, they are still dependent on their husbands as the heads of the families. This leads to the economic dependence of women. Additionally, the involvement of musala's female worshipers as the representation of women involvement in economy development of the society becomes decreasing. In these circumstances, social assistance in business management should be conducted. Community service of Manbaul Falah musala's female worshipers uses the approach of ABCD (Asset Based Community Development). This ABCD approach applies some tools, they are inculturation, discovery, definition, design, reflection. The outcome of this community service by assistance in business management results changes in female worshipers community of Manbaul Falah musala who runs the business offried-chip packaging both in the process of assistance and after the process of assistance.

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Volume 1, Number 2, November 2017 | 168
Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Transformatif: Pendampingan Manajemen Bisnis pada Jamaah Musholla Putri Manbaul Falah Desa Manyarsidorukun Kecamatan Manyar Kabupaten Gresik
Lilik Rahmawati, Ummiy Fauziyah Laili, Fatikul Himami
ISSN : 2579-8375 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8391 (Online)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. CC BY SA

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